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Net Metering will not be allowed for COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL Projects after 31.03.2021 in Rajasthan

RERC's draft regulations for Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems, 2020


· The Rooftop projects up to 31st March 2021 shall be governed as per RERC Net-metering regulations 2015.

· As per RERC (GIDRES) Regulations 2020, three types of system possible:-

o Net Metering arrangements

o Net Billing arrangements (Its is same as Gross Metering)

o Behind the meter system (operating in parallel with Distribution Licensees’ grid and not opted either for Net Metering arrangement or Net Billing) (It is same as Zero Export)

· Net Metering shall be allowed to LT Domestic, LT Agriculture & LT Public Street Lighting.

· Applicable to all Rooftop Solar Projects commissioned on or after April 1st, 2021.

· Projects commissioned under Net Metering agreements up to 31st March 2021, shall continue to operate under the Net Metering arrangement till the period of Connection Agreement i.e. 25 Yrs.

· Distribution Licensee shall offer the provision of Net Billing or Net Metering arrangement to the Eligible Consumer, who intends to install project in its area.


o Eligible Consumer may lease out / rent the Rooftop Space/ Land/ Water bodies to a RESCO on a mutual commercial arrangement for setting up Renewable Energy generating system under Net Billing arrangement.


o The cumulative capacity of projects to be allowed at a particular distribution transformer shall not exceed 50% of the capacity of transformer.


o The maximum capacity to be installed at any Eligible Consumer’s premises shall not exceed 100% of the Sanctioned Load/Contract Demand of the consumer.

o Project Size shall be 1 KW to 1 MW.


o The Distribution Licensee shall implement a web-based application processing system within three (3) months from the notification of these Regulations.

· Renewable Energy generating system connected BEHIND THE CONSUMER’s METER:-

o It will be operating in parallel with the Distribution Licensee’s Grid.

o Not opting either for Net Billing arrangement or Net Metering arrangement

o Shall be allowed only after prior intimation to the respective Discom.

o If, consumer installs behind the meter system without prior intimation to the Discom, then the additional liabilities shall be levied at the rate of fixed charges for one month.

o The maximum permissible capacity behind the meter system shall be limited to 100% of Contract Demand.

o The Commission may determine additional Parallel Operation Charges in the form of Fixed Charges or Demand Charges and any other Charges for such systems installed behind the consumer’s meter.


o Net Billing Arrangement:-

§ Selling entire power generated to the Distribution Licensee under the Connection Agreement.

§ Tariff payable should be the weighted average tariff of large-scale solar projects of 5 MW and more, discovered through Competitive Bidding in previous Financial Year and adopted by the Commission, plus an incentive of 25%. In case no bidding is done in previous Financial Year, then the latest tariff discovered through competitive bidding plus an incentive of 25% shall be applicable.

o Net Metering Arrangement:-

§ If the quantum of electricity exported exceeds the quantum imported during the Billing Period, the excess quantum exported shall be purchased by the Distribution Licensee at the weighted average tariff of large-scale solar projects of 5 MW and more, discovered through Competitive Bidding in last Financial Year.


o The Commission may stipulate from time to time the 'Parallel Operation Charges’ to be levied on the energy generated under Net Metering systems, which shall cover balancing, banking and wheeling cost after adjusting RPO benefits, avoided distribution losses and any other benefits accruing to the Distribution Licensee, based on the Petition filed by Distribution Licensee, supported by adequate justification.

o Provided that, no Parallel Operation Charges shall be levied on Net Billing consumers:

o Provided further that, Parallel Operation Charges on the Renewable Energy generating system connected behind the Consumer’s meter may be stipulated from time to time.

3,583 views4 comments


Apr 01, 2021

What is the latest policy:cost ,subsidy for net metering in ajmer, rajasthan for domestic less than 5KW solar panels?

Also, I think the sanctioned load need to be increased, so what is the procedure for that? Will my electricity bill increase?

Please provide some explanation and links for more information.

Thank you.

Unknown member
Apr 01, 2021
Replying to

Please visit Schemes section of our website for more info !!


Jan 19, 2021

I agree Gross Metering is bad policy..


Jan 08, 2021

Grosse metering is bad policy


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