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REAR in its letter to MD, RRECL requested to grant extension in line with MNRE's notification for extension up to 4 months due to COVID19.

RRECL extended Project Completion Schedule up to 17.09.2021 for Projects under SOLAR SUBSIDY SCHEME in Rajasthan. The last date to submit the project sanction documents (DPR) by empanelled vendors is also extented till 31.08.2021.

The time extension granted as per the MNRE extension for the projects sanctioned under Rooftop Subsidy Scheme Phase -II.

REAR Renewable Energy Association has raised a series of queries with the Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation (RREC) after the latter allocated an additional 5,600 kW capacity under the ‘Rooftop Solar Power Generation Program 2019-20’ to a few vendors, three working days before the scheduled commercial operating date (SCOD).

Earlier the commisioning date was extended till June 3, 2021. In its letter, the association insisted that if the Ministry for New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) extends the scheduled commercial operating date, then the latest allocation should be canceled, and all vendors must be considered for the fresh allocation of 5,600 kW.

RRECL has asked all the vendors for additional Capacity.

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