"REAR writes to RRECL and warn them about the possible bungling in the project capacity allocation. The excerpts of the letter are"
Yesterday 3rd June 20121, being the last date for the completion of projects under the Rajasthan Solar Generation Scheme 2019-20 as per your Letter No. RREC/SPV RT Prg./ 45MW/2019-20/D-4498 dated 29th January 2021 regarding the extension of scheduled completion time to 03.06.2021, we would like to congratulate RRECL as well as empanelled vendors for being the part of the scheme and do our best for the success of the scheme.
However, REAR being an association, which is continuously working for the betterment of Solar Industry as well as to safeguard the interest of our members, would like to bring to your notice few shortcomings which we were taking to your notice from the beginning of the scheme as well as few queries and doubts which are arising in every empanelled vendors mind. The latest being the additional allocation of 5600 KW capacity to just few vendors on 28.05.2021, when just 3 working days are left from the scheduled commissioning date of the projects under scheme. It’s been more than 300 days passed since the beginning of the scheme and the projects executed under the scheme would not be more than 20,000 KW as on date & RRECL is expecting around 30% additional capacity project to be commissioned in just 3 working days (knowing the situation of Covid19). Please note that this just a doubt in our minds and we are not blaming RRECL for any bungling in the allocation. However, it is RRECL’s duty to clarify the queries and doubts in the empanelled vendors mind. The queries need to be addressed are:-
What was the criterion for additional capacity allocation? Why the 5600 KW of capacity given to 6 vendors only? Why any capacity was not allocated to other 100+ vendors?
Whether RRECL is confident that the additional capacity be completed by the vendors in just 3 working days left, with lot of formalities to be completed like PDI of modules, project execution in the current situation of covid19 surge and the various restrictions by state Govt. including the lockdown and finally formalities by Discoms like net-metering. This activity creates doubt in other vendors’ mind that RRECL as well as vendors might be aware of the extension to be given by MNRE. RRECL might get the information/verbal assurance from MNRE, which was shared with few selected vendors only even when a lot of other vendors are asking and following up for extension. (A kind of Insider trading)? Since the scheme get over yesterday 03.06.2021, and if the vendors who accepted the capacity to complete it in 3 days could not get the project commissioned, whether RRECL will penalize them or black list them ?
The last date of DPR Submission was 25.05.2021, which was then revised to 02.06.2021 just on the same date when the additional capacity was allocated, whether it is just to give the vendors some time to upload the DPRs and wait till the extension from MNRE? We all are aware that MNRE already give in principal approval for extension and exact timeline is expected to be 3 to 6 months. The notification will be shared by MNRE latest by next week. Why RRECL not waited for reply from MNRE?
Few vendors who have been allocated additional capacity uploaded DPRs equivalent to their initial allocated capacity (one start up vendor uploaded DPRs of around 200 KW), just 1 day before the additional capacity allocation and many DPRs approved by DPR on 30.05.2021 (SUNDAY), the question arises, what is the hurry just before 3 days of scheme completion and why he uploaded such a big capacity even when he did not have any capacity left on that day. Whether he was aware of the additional capacity to be allocated and the extension to be granted by MNRE?
Few vendors uploaded around 100 DPRs which is around 3 times of his initial allocation, without any capacity left (may be aware of the allocation to be made), which means 100 people will feel duped if he did not get the additional allocation ? Whether RRECL being the nodal agency be responsible for the duping of such beneficiaries?
Why RRECL did not opt for web PDI considering the pandemic situation, which safer, secure, time saving and equally stringent and acceptable even by central agencies like SECI?
The average time taken by RRECL in any reply is 2-3 weeks be it PDI request or any other query. Why the vendors have to suffer for delay from RRECL whether it’s PDI, Project inspection, other support and claim of subsidy?
We would like bring to your notice that we were facing a lot of issues like covid19, economic slowdown, material price hike, liquidity crunch, non-availability of material like meters, modules etc. Despite these many issues were trying hard to complete our target and make the scheme successful. We, however, with regret would like to mention that in spite of requesting a lot many times, we did not get any desired support from either Nodal agency or Discom . We struggled hard to put our concerns and get some resolutions.
· Vendors struggled at the every stage of project i.e. from project booking, procurement, approvals from Discom, net metering, project sanction, Inspection and finally subsidy release.
· We were continuously writing to Discom and RRECL about the hurdles in approvals and net-metering but there is no resolution till date. There is lack of co-ordination between RRECL & Discom and within Discom as well. Ultimately, there are vendors and beneficiaries who are suffering due to negligence, non-cooperation and non-coordination by Discom & RRECL.
· We expect some support, guidance and timely information on the progress from Nodal Agency but did not get the same. RRECL did not conduct any meeting, be it web or physical to discuss the progress or to listen to the difficulties we are facing, neither any progress report shared with us.
· RRECL did not put the desired effort to promote the scheme as well.
Considering the above facts, we once again request you to please take the issues very seriously and do the needful in all aspects be it additional allocation of capacity, web PDI, Project Inspection and subsidy release.
Please note that as per your Letter No. RREC/SPV RT Prg./ 45MW/2019-20/D-4498 dated 29th January 2021, the scheme was closed yesterday since you were not grant any extension. Now, if the extension be given after confirmation from MNRE. The latest allocation on 28.05.2021 would be deemed cancelled and all the vendors should be asked or evaluated on performance for the capacity allocation of 5600 KW.